Kurdish Studies

ISSN: 2051-4883 | e-ISSN: 2051-4891
Email: editor@kurdishstudies.net

The Effect of Sustainable Service Delivery and the Resilience of Collaborative Public Service Sector in South Africa

Andrew Enaifoghe
University of Zululand
Tafadzwa Clementine Maramura
University of the Free State University
Sandiso Mahlala
Central University of Technology
Keywords: Sustainable Development, Service Delivery, Public service, Accountability.


The paper investigates the effect of sustainable service delivery and the resilience of collaborative public service in South Africa. The study noted that by taking into consideration community goals and the trade-offs between the services that are desired and the available resources, effective resource management techniques enable sustainable service delivery. Adopting management modalities to deliver sustainable services has, however, frequently proven challenging due to a variety of reasons, including policy, financing, legislation, accountability systems, and monitoring. Sustainable service delivery ensures that the requirements of the community today are not compromised by how those services are given by doing so in a way that is socially, economically, and environmentally responsible. The qualitative study primarily employed a conceptual approach and used secondary data that was available in various databases for data collection as research techniques. The study concluded that sustainable service delivery is a critical aspect of development in any developing nation. This is because it involves providing essential services to the population in a manner that is socially inclusive, environmentally responsible, and economically viable.

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