Kurdish Studies

ISSN: 2051-4883 | e-ISSN: 2051-4891
Email: editor@kurdishstudies.net

The Press Interview in the Iraqi Press: An Analytical Field Study of the Interview in Al-Zawraa and Al-Mada Newspapers for the Period from 1/5/2023 to 1/8/2023

Nihad Salem Habib Al-Husseini
University of Babylon / Center for Civilization and Historical Studies
Al-Kemawee Jaafar Abd Al Hussain Kadhim
University of Babylon - College of Arts
Zuhair Assim AbdulKareem Alzerkani
University of Babylon - College of Arts
Keywords: .


This study examines the art of the press interview in the Iraqi press, and in light of the importance of this study, the researcher identified the problem of the study by asking the general question: What is the reason for the decline of the art of the press interview in the Iraqi press? The aim of the research is to identify the most important contents that the press interview deliberates in the Iraqi newspapers, as well as to explain the reasons that lead to the deterioration of the art of the press interview in the Iraqi press. The researcher used a questionnaire that he distributed among the respondents who conduct press interviews to reveal the extent of interest of journalists in the art of the press interview. The study reached a number of results, including:

1- The press interview in Al-Zawraa and Al-Mada newspapers relies heavily on the traditional method (question and answer) in practice and in formulating the press interview.

2- The press editor is the one who selects the person to be interviewed

3- The writers of the press interview tended to focus on the political aspects at the expense of other topics

4- The absence of a journalist specialized in the field of editing and writing press interviews in the two mentioned newspapers

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