Kurdish Studies

ISSN: 2051-4883 | e-ISSN: 2051-4891
Email: editor@kurdishstudies.net

The Impact of Psychological and Social Factors on the Public’s Use of Smart Phone Applications in the UAE

Dalia Hassan
Professor of Mass Communication, Umm Al Quwain University
Nadeen Selim
Assistant professor of Mass Communication, Umm Al Quwain University
Saada Khadragy
Assistant professor of Compouter Science, Arts and science college, Umm AL Quwain
Dina Mashal
Teaching Assistant at the Faculty of Media and Mass Communication
Keywords: Psychology, social, smartphone applications, addiction, Habituation..


Smartphones have evolved into an integral facet of daily life. It elicits an inadvertent sense of reliance characterized by addictive tendencies towards the device and its diverse applications. The current study examines the impact of psychological and social factors on the use rate of smartphone applications of various types (practical, entertainment, informational, and social media), focusing on their impact on performance expectancy, encompassing both addiction and habituation tendencies. In addition, the study examines whether the rate of use of different types of smartphone applications impacts the elements of expected performance. A quantitative survey research approach was utilized to collect the required data. An online survey was administered to a sample of 240 participants across the population in the United Arab Emirates. Within the framework of the study model, it was concluded that attitudes toward materialism significantly impacted the rate of individuals' use of smartphone applications of various types (informational - practical - entertainment - social media).In contrast, the feeling of loneliness did not significantly impact the rate of use of these different applications. Self-regulation significantly influences Practical, informational, and social media use. The findings suggest that social media usage is crucial in shaping individuals' habits and addiction to smartphone applications.The study sheds light on the intricate psychological factors influencing smartphone application usage in the UAE. By examining age-related preferences, gender dynamics, and the impact of attitudes and social satisfaction on addiction and habituation, the current research sets the stage for tailored interventions and policies, promoting a healthier digital ecosystem within the unique sociocultural fabric of the United Arab Emirates.

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