Kurdish Studies

ISSN: 2051-4883 | e-ISSN: 2051-4891
Email: editor@kurdishstudies.net

A Comprehensive Analysis of Family Business: Synthesizing Insights from the 100 Most Cited Studies

Fadi Al-Asfour
Faculty of Business Studies, Arab Open University, KSA
Khalil Abu Saleem
Faculty of Business Studies, Arab Open University, KSA
Bassam Omar Jaara
Faculty of Business Studies, Arab Open University, KSA,
Keywords: Family Business Research, Succession Planning, Governance and Performance, Cultural Diversity in Business..


This paper conducts a thorough analysis of family business practices, drawing from the 100 most cited studies in the field. It uses citation counts from Web of Science and Google Scholar as of January 1, 2024, to identify influential works. The study covers diverse aspects of family businesses, including succession, governance, performance, and the influence of gender and cultural diversity. It links these insights to practical business management and policy-making, emphasizing sustainable practices. The paper also traces the evolution of family business research and suggests future research directions. This work aims to connect academic findings with real-world applications, contributing significantly to the sector's global relevance.

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