Kurdish Studies

ISSN: 2051-4883 | e-ISSN: 2051-4891
Email: editor@kurdishstudies.net

Investing in Human Capital and its Impact on Organizational Sustainability: An Exploratory Study at Al-Mustaqbal University

Kamil Shakeer Al-Watifi
Babylon University
Abbas Mizel Al-Sahlani
Al-Kufa University,
Keywords: .


This study aims to determine the impact of investment in human capital on organizational sustainability at the level of Al-Mustaqbal university. The study began with a main problem that included several questions revolving around the nature of the influential relationships between the two variables at Al-Mustaqbal university. It adopted the scale (Daft 2003) to measure the dimensions of investment. With human capital, the scale (Alshuwaikhat et al. 2016) was adopted to measure the dimensions of organizational sustainability. The questionnaire was used as a main tool for collecting the data necessary for the study. The study sample represented (230) faculty members of Al-Mustaqbal university. For the purpose of analyzing and processing the data statistically, a group of descriptive statistical methods were used during the statistical program (Amos v.23). It was concluded that there is a significant effect of investment in human capital and its dimensions on organizational sustainability at the level of Al-Mustaqbal university, with the university administration being keen to work on enhancing investing in human resources to achieve a sustainable and clean environment for the university. The study recommended the necessity of working to achieve an environmentally friendly university, by increasing green areas, shifting towards clean energy, and conducting more research related to sustainability.

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