Kurdish Studies

ISSN: 2051-4883 | e-ISSN: 2051-4891
Email: editor@kurdishstudies.net

The Jordanian Parties’ Law of (2022) and its Impact on Partisan and Political Life in Jordan

Jehan Khalid Al-Zubi
Faculty of Law - Al-Balqa Applied University, Jourdan, Associate Professor, PhD of The Constitutional law
Amal Yousef Mutleq Alrfooh
The World Islamic Sciences and Education University, Jordan, Associate Professor, PhD. Of Law, Faculty of Law,
Abdel-Kareem Ottallh Al- Karabsheh
Faculty of Law, Al-Balqa' Applied University, Jordan, Associate Professor in Special Law,
Keywords: Political parties’ law of 2022, political parties, partisan participation, amendments, merging, financial support, penalties..


The study aims to investigate the amendments of the Jordanian Parties’ Law of (2022) and to reveal its impact on Partisan and Political Life in Jordan. The study hypothesized a positive relationship between the law and partisan and political life in Jordan. The comparative approach and the systems analysis approach were used to achieve the aim of the study and to test its hypothesis. The study results showed that the hypothesis of the study is not valid as there are still several strict conditions included in the law restricting the political parties’ members to effectively practicing their partisan and political life indicating that the Jordanian Parties’ Law of (2022) is unexpected to fulfill its purposes. Therefore, the study provided some recommendations for amending some articles of the political party's law of 2022 that may have a direct impact on the effectiveness of partisan and political life in Jordan, such as the necessity of organizing the party in a way that allows all the party’s members to engage in real participation and amending the parties’ law to include criteria for providing financial support to the parties.

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