Kurdish Studies

ISSN: 2051-4883 | e-ISSN: 2051-4891
Email: editor@kurdishstudies.net

Exploring the Impact of Supervisors' Leadership Style, Motivational Language, Mindfulness, on Leadership Effectiveness

Eka Kadharpa Utama Dewayani
Business Property Department, Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang, Indonesia
Keywords: leadership style, motivation, mindfulness, effectiveness.


In the bustling hospitality sector of Mataram, Lombok, effective leadership stands as a linchpin for organizational success, shaping guest experiences and driving operational excellence. This research delves into the nuanced dynamics of leadership within this vibrant industry, with a keen focus on supervisors' leadership style, the utilization of motivational language, and the cultivation of mindfulness practices. Through a comprehensive analysis of data gathered from 184 employees via questionnaire surveys, this study unveils significant relationships between leadership style and effectiveness, as well as between leadership style and motivational language. The findings underscore the pivotal role of leadership behaviors in influencing organizational outcomes, highlighting the importance of aligning leadership styles with organizational goals to enhance overall effectiveness. Furthermore, the study emphasizes the critical role of effective communication and motivational strategies in driving leadership success, as evidenced by the positive impact of motivational language on leadership effectiveness. However, while mindfulness is recognized as a potential influencer in leadership dynamics, the analysis suggests a nuanced relationship, with mindfulness not significantly moderating the relationship between leadership style and effectiveness in this context. These insights contribute valuable guidance for industry practitioners and scholarly discourse, informing leadership development initiatives and organizational practices aimed at fostering effective leadership behaviors and enhancing overall organizational performance within Mataram's dynamic hospitality landscape.

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