Kurdish Studies

ISSN: 2051-4883 | e-ISSN: 2051-4891
Email: editor@kurdishstudies.net

Exploring the New Era of Dentistry: Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Dental Diagnosis

Giovanna Gutiérrez-Gayoso
Universidad Andina del Cusco, Department of Stomatology. Cusco, Peru
Heinrich Jhased Morales Tecsi
Brigitte Melani Ttito Fernandez
Ayrton Vladimir Loaiza Chavez
Annushka Malpartida-Caviedes
Oscar Daniel Escobar Zabala
Universidad Nacional de Chimborazo, Faculty of Health Sciences. Riobamba, Ecuador,
Keywords: Artificial intelligence; Oral diagnosis; Dentistry; Dental technology; Technology and innovation in health..


This manuscript aims to analyse the impact of AI in stomatological diagnosis. A review of the existing literature on the use of AI in dentistry was conducted, specific tables were created for key categories by organising data in spreadsheets, and the results show the predominance of the successful application of AI in the analysis and diagnosis of radiographic images, concluding that oral and maxillofacial radiology in dentistry has been significantly influenced by AI, particularly CNNs. The article describes a future in which dentistry and AI will completely redefine oral health.

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