Kurdish Studies

ISSN: 2051-4883 | e-ISSN: 2051-4891
Email: editor@kurdishstudies.net

Documentary Valuation: Analysis of the Legal, Technological and Informational Dimensions of the Electronic Document

Nelson Javier Pulido Daza
Universidad de la Salle – Bogotá - Colombia
Keywords: Document valuation, dimensions, electronic document, electronic management, macro valuation..


This text is the first part of a work divided into three stages concerning documentary evaluation. Its objective is to analyse the repercussions of the legal, technological and informational dimensions of documentary valuation on the electronic document. To this end, it is taken as a basis, first, to identify the necessary conceptual guidelines in the use and development in the preparation of the electronic document. Second, to establish the conceptual dimensions of the valuation of the electronic document by integrating archival theory. Analyzing the above, it is expected to increase the global vision given the intervention of the new needs and characteristics exposed by the electronic document in relation to its creation, management and conservation.

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