Kurdish Studies

ISSN: 2051-4883 | e-ISSN: 2051-4891
Email: editor@kurdishstudies.net

Actualisation of Pewayangan Values in Bali

Made Marajaya
Puppetry Department, Performing Arts Faculty, Indonesian Art Institute (ISI Denpasar)
Gede Yoga Kharisma Pradana
Hotel Management Department, Vocational Faculty, International Business and Tourism Institute
Keywords: Actualization, Pewayangan Values, Bali..


The aim of this research is to reveal the values of pewayangan in Bali. Basically, wayang art in Balinese society is known as a cultural heritage that is preserved as a traditional Balinese performing art. However, it turns out that not all wayang arts are presented through traditional Balinese performing arts. The problems are : 1) What are the forms of manifestation of wayang values in traditional Balinese performing arts?; 2) What is the form of actualisation of wayang values in Bali?. This research was completed using qualitative methods. Primary data was obtained through interviews and observation. Secondary data was obtained through a literature study. Interpretative qualitative data analysis is used to analyse all data with the help of symbol theory and reception theory. The research results show that : 1) The manifestation of wayang values in traditional Balinese performing arts can be seen in story narratives, characteristics of wayang characters and types of wayang performances. The Mahabrata and Ramayana epics are wayang stories that are most often used to convey the values of pewayangan in traditional Balinese performing arts.; 2) Apart from Balinese performing arts, the actualisation of wayang values in Bali can be seen in Balinese arts, Balinese names and Balinese business.

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