Kurdish Studies

ISSN: 2051-4883 | e-ISSN: 2051-4891
Email: editor@kurdishstudies.net

Jordanian Islamic Banks Between Attracting and Alienating Their Customers

Dr. Mohammed Abd-Akarim Almomani
Associated Prof. Department of Islamic Banks College of Business, Ajloun University.Jordan
Qasim Mousa Abu Eid
Assistant Professor, Department of Islamic Banks College of Business, Ajloun University.
Mohammad Toma Suleiman Alqudah
Associated Prof, Department of Islamic Banks, College of Business, Ajloun University.
Mohyi Aldin Abu Al Houl
Professor, Department of Islamic Banks College of Business, Ajloun University
Keywords: Islamic Banks, Jordan Islamic Bank, Attracting Customers, Alienating Customer.


Customers are considered the main  objective for Islamic Banks to continue providing their services. It is also trying to find out the reasons for the customers' reluctance to deal with them, so the aim of this research was: to know the factors that lead to attracting customers to deal with Islamic Banks, and to know the factors that lead to the reluctance of customers to deal with Islamic Banks, Where the researcher used the descriptive analytical approach and the method of the field study by designing a questionnaire consisting of (30) paragraphs covering the factors that lead to attracting customers to deal with Islamic banks, and the factors that lead to the reluctance of customers to deal with Islamic Banks. And the factors that lead to clients’ aversion to dealing with Islamic banks, and the validity of the study tool was confirmed by presenting it to a group of specialized arbitrators in Jordanian universities. The stability of the study tool was also confirmed by the method of internal consistency of the paragraphs, where the reliability coefficient of the tool was (,81) and (150) questionnaires were distributed to a random sample of Islamic banking clients in Ajloun Governorate. (120) valid questionnaires were retrieved for analysis, i.e. with a ratio of (,80) the study showed the existence of a gap between the factors of attracting and repelling customers to deal with Islamic banks, The evaluation of customers was negative for the factors of dealing with Islamic banks, and accordingly the researcher recommends that Islamic Banks focus on the positive factors that push customers to deal with these banks and avoid negative factors.

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