Kurdish Studies

ISSN: 2051-4883 | e-ISSN: 2051-4891
Email: editor@kurdishstudies.net

An Evaluation of the Operation Aman Nusa II Program in Dealing with Covid-19 by the Indonesian National Police

Yade Setiawan Ujung
Department of Public Administration, Universitas Padjadjaran, Indonesia,
Department of Government, Universitas Padjadjaran, Indonesia,
Asep Sumaryana
Department of Public Administration, Universitas Padjadjaran, Indonesia
Dedi Sukarno
Department of Public Administration, Universitas Padjadjaran, Indonesia
Keywords: Covid-19, Policy Evaluation, Police, Operation Aman Nusa II.


This article discusses the evaluation of the Operation Aman Nusa II program, a police policy to deal with Covid-19.  Researchers used the Context, Input, Process, and Product (CIPP) evaluation model Stufflebeam (2003) developed to understand the program evaluation. Meanwhile, the research method in this article is a qualitative approach with the locus of study at the Bandung Police Station, assisted by data collection techniques in the form of interviews, observations, and literature studies.  The field findings of this program evaluation show that Operation Aman Nusa II-Handling Covid-19 carried out by the Bandung Police is effective. This can be seen from the increased community compliance with health protocols (prokes) and the acceleration of vaccinations. These two things (prokes and vaccinations) are the key to handling Covid-19, especially in flattening the Covid-19 pandemic curve in Bandung City. Researchers also found several implementations of the Operation Aman Nusa II program by United Nations Police (Unpol) recommendations related to handling the Covid-19 pandemic. Several problems need to be strengthened to optimize Operation Aman Nusa II; namely, 1) the problem of how to act rehabilitation and health that needs adjustment; 2) problems of Apparatus Resources (SDA) related to the complexity of police duties and the physical and mental health of members; 3) lack of budget support; and 4) cross-sectoral coordination issues. These four problems are essential recommendations for other researchers to deepen further studies.

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