Kurdish Studies

ISSN: 2051-4883 | e-ISSN: 2051-4891
Email: editor@kurdishstudies.net

The Leading Role of the Ministry of Housing and Urban Planning in Monitoring the Implementation of the Urban Strategy, Oman

Dr. Raed Awashreh
Colleges of Business Administration, A’Sharqiyah University, Oman
Dr. Ahmad Abo Eisheh
University of Buraimi, Al-Buraim, Oman
Dr. Yasir Mohamed
Colleges of Business Administration, A’Sharqiyah University, Oman
Salim Said Yousuf Al-Abdali
Colleges of Business Administration, A’Sharqiyah University, Oman
Keywords: Leadership role, decentralization, urban strategy, Ministry of Housing and Urban Planning, Oman..


Purpose: This study examines the leadership role of the Ministry of Housing and Urban Planning (MoHUP) in implementing the Omani strategy for comprehensive geographical development.Theoretical framework: This study examines the leadership role of the Ministry of Housing and Urban Planning (MoHUP) in implementing the Omani strategy for comprehensive geographical development. The research focuses on five axes: leadership of ministry officials, cooperation with relevant authorities, decentralization, direction according to the strategy, and motivating employees.Design/ Methodology/ Approach: The study adopts the descriptive-analytical approaches, using a combination of quantitative and qualitative methods, involved an in-depth interview with experts and senior management, and a survey collected data from 200 male and female employees from population total of 368 in the MoHUP.Findings: The results showed a positive, statistically significant relationship between the axes related to the MoHUP's leadership role and the follow-up of the urban strategy implementation.Research, practical and social implication: The study recommends strengthening cooperation between entities responsible for implementing the urban strategy to achieve desired goals, preserve resources, and avoid waste.  The study addresses the governance of the state's administrative apparatus, resources, and projects, as the success of implementing any strategy depends on the efficiency of the planning apparatus. Also, it helps provide the citizens m with opportunities to express opinions and overcome difficulties during strategy implementation.Originality & value: it’s completely original to with a value to serve citizens as individuals and organization and strengthening the government governance.

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