Kurdish Studies

ISSN: 2051-4883 | e-ISSN: 2051-4891
Email: editor@kurdishstudies.net

Stress Management among Chinese College Students: A Study on the Efficacy of Growth Group Psychological Counseling Strategies

Liang Jie
Postgraduate Student, INTI International University, Malaysia
Subashini K Rajanthran
Teaching and Learning Centre, INTI International University, Malaysia
Huang Wenjiao
Nanning College of Technology,
Ning Shijie
Nanning College of Technology
Keywords: Chinese university students, Group counseling, Stress management, psychological well-being, Mental health,.


Individuals face increasing and diversified challenges in the midst of fast economic progress. Academics, interpersonal interactions, psychological well-being, mental health, personality development, love, and employment are all areas where Chinese college students face tremendous stress. This prevalent issue has piqued the public's interest, creating a critical challenge for educational institutions and psychological educators. In response, this study examines and addresses stress management measures for Chinese college students through the use of growth group psychological counselling as an intervention. The study suggests specific remedies by carefully analysing stresses in areas such as learning, communication, and emotions. The ultimate goal is to develop a complete stress management strategy system that is specifically intended to meet the unique issues that Chinese college students encounter.

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