Kurdish Studies

ISSN: 2051-4883 | e-ISSN: 2051-4891
Email: editor@kurdishstudies.net

Rare Ignorant ''Jahiliyyah'' Poems, in the Light of Intertextuality Theory

Mrs. Woroud Hadi Shagit
University of Baghdad, College of Education for Women, Iraq.
Keywords: Intertextuality, Impact, External Intertextuality, Internal Intertextuality, Recipient..


This research aims to highlight intertextuality in a collection of rare pre-Islamic poems by obscure poets who did not achieve sufficient fame, except for subtle references in biographical, literary, and poetic works. The focus is on defining intertextuality as a complex linguistic phenomenon with various types, relying on the recipient's knowledge and culture to discern it. Intertextuality represents the fundamental characteristics of literary creativity, indicating the intertwining or interconnection of texts and their interaction to produce new texts that embody a relationship of simulation or imitation among poetic texts. This involves identifying shared words, meanings, and ideas among derived poets through accumulated experiential knowledge on one hand, and the expressive creative ability of the poet on the other.The poet's unique style, which adheres to internal or external intertextuality in its various forms, emerges, along with the phenomenon of influence and impact between them in the same era. The study also explores the extent of the intertwining and interconnectedness of texts.

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