Kurdish Studies

ISSN: 2051-4883 | e-ISSN: 2051-4891
Email: editor@kurdishstudies.net

Post-Colonial Feminism in International Relations and the Decolonization of Indian Women

Mohanad Hazim Hakkoosh
Department of Scholarships and Cultural Relations University of Anbar, Iraq
Taherah Makki Abdulkareem
Department of scholarships and Cultural Relations, University of Information Technology and Communications, Iraq
Marwah Firas Abdullah Al-Rawe
Department of English, College of Education for Humanities, University of Anbar, Iraq
Keywords: Post-Colonial Feminism; Jyoti Sing; Decolonization, International Relations; India..


This research article aims to address a post-colonial approach to Feminism, using the case of gang rape by Jyoti Singh as an illustrator. Through the study of the existing literature on post-colonialism and the premises of Feminism in International Relations, we seek to question whether the universality of oppressions defended by the majority thought of Western Feminism fits non-Western women. In order to understand the motivations of the increasingly recurrent cases of brutal rape in the Asian country, we seek to show examples that justify the premise that a western thought-settling contact can inhibit the strengthening of Indian initiatives to overcome problems that they concern gender, just as they reiterate the need for a critical rescue of India's pre-colonial societies for the decolonization of Feminism. It is inferred, therefore, that the claim to solve the problems that afflict genders in India must pay attention not to be Universalist, ethnocentric and colonizing like Classical Feminism. The case of rape by Jyoti Singh reiterates the need for the voices of these women to be heard and their experiences to be praised in a way that does not create new absolute truths, but that it creates possibilities for healthy dialogue between different feminist experiences, both Western and eastern.

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