Kurdish Studies

ISSN: 2051-4883 | e-ISSN: 2051-4891
Email: editor@kurdishstudies.net

The Importance of Governance in Meeting the Needs of Labor Market in Small Enterprises in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Dr. Nahla Al-Nour Muhammad Al-Makki
Assistant Professor of Accounting Sciences - Applied College in King Khalid University
Amina Mohammed Solyman Hussein
Assistant Professor of Administrationa Sciences in Applied College King Khalid University
Keywords: Governance, Small Enterprises, Market needs, Labor market.


The study investigated the importance of governance in meeting the needs of labor market in small Enterprises in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. To achieve the objectives of the study, the researchers used the descriptive analytical approach, and a questionnaire was used to measure the importance of governance in meeting the needs of labor market in small Enterprises in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. On a random sample of small enterprises, male and female. The study sample included (85) members from the small enterprises, which were selected randomly, and (58) successful forms were revised for analysis and (27) damaged forms were not valid for revision. In order to analyze the data and treat it statistically, it was tested with the AMOS program to perform arithmetic treatments and percentages. While the hypotheses showed that there is a consensual relation between the importance of governance and meeting the needs of the labor market.

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