Kurdish Studies

ISSN: 2051-4883 | e-ISSN: 2051-4891
Email: editor@kurdishstudies.net

Vitality as a Source of Art in the Artistic Image

Dr. Ahmed Jamal Ali
Aliraqia University, College of Arts, Iraq.
Dr. Safaa Saleh Abdel Hamid
Aliraqia University, College of Arts, Iraq.
Keywords: .


When we chose this title for our research, we took into consideration, before embarking on its completion, that there are other sources of art within the artistic image. Foremost among these is imagination, with its influential effectiveness in shaping the idea of the image and its details. Among these sources is the artistic coherence between the components of the image. Vitality, therefore, is a source of art in the artistic image, resulting in the growth of the elements of life in the image and their flow. The subject of the applied research material will be the book entitled "The Vitality of Conflict Image in the Painting of 'Tard' in Arabic Poetry" by Dr. Jabeer Saleh Al-Qar Ghuli. Describing this book as applied material, all its evidence comes from images of conflict in the painting of 'Tard' in Arabic poetry. Additionally, it encompasses the theoretical framework that comprehensively covers the terminology that forms the structure of the analytical study. The book also contains other merits that have increased our interest in this study. Among these merits is the meticulous chronological investigation of the creation, development, expansion, and spread of the conflict painting among Arab tribes. Furthermore, there is an anthropological research spirit that focuses on studying the collective culture among Arab tribes, with a particular emphasis on the tribe of Hudhayl, considering it a unique human fabric with distinct emotional and social characteristics. When asked to describe myself as a researcher highlighting these features, I would say: Hudhayl distinguished itself from other Arab tribes by its interaction with sorrow, turning it into a heritage, celebrating it, and confronting the vicissitudes of time. Hudhali sentiment is the most Arab sentiments that deal with sorrow. The proof of this is that the anthology of Hudhayl was collected by poets, not lyricists except for one poet among them. When we peruse this anthology, we are moved by the lamentation of men, those who had the largest share in the history of "Sa'alika." The majority of the "Sa'alika" were Hudhali, which suggests the nature of the economic life, undoubtedly demanding and difficult, driving the tribe's sons to seek livelihood through fighting and violence.

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