Kurdish Studies

ISSN: 2051-4883 | e-ISSN: 2051-4891
Email: editor@kurdishstudies.net

Application of Geomatics Technology to Study the Snow Cover in Amadiya District Using Satellite Image (Landsat-8)”

Noura Zayed Aati
Aliraqia University, College of Arts, Department of Geography, Iraq
Ahmad Majid Abbas
Aliraqia University, College of Arts, Department of Geography, Iraq.
Eman Shihab Hassoun
Aliraqia University, College of Arts, Department of Geography, Iraq.
Salam Saud Hussein
University of Tikrit, College of Education for Women, Department of Geography, Iraq.
Ruqaya M. Amin
Aliraqia University, College of Arts, Department of Geography, Iraq.
Keywords: Snow Cover, NDSI (Normalized Difference Snow Index), Geomatics, Landsat 8..


The aim of the research is to uncover the snow cover, relying on Landsat-8 satellite data through the utilization of the Normalized Difference Snow Index (NDSI) to detect the thickness, extent, and distribution of the snow layer covering the area on February 18, 2023. At the administrative unit level in the district, the research found that the distribution of snow cover in the Kani Masi district is the highest at 33.29%, while the center of the Al-Amadiyah district has the lowest distribution of snow cover at 2.57%. In terms of snow cover area, the Kani Masi sub-district ranked first at 86.02%, while the Bama Rani sub-district ranked last at 29.66%. The thickness of the snow cover (1 meter) constituted the largest percentage of the study area at 56.34%, while the thinnest thickness (0.04 cm) accounted for 7.98% of the total area.

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