Kurdish Studies

ISSN: 2051-4883 | e-ISSN: 2051-4891
Email: editor@kurdishstudies.net

Political Awareness among Syrian Refugees in Asylum Centers from the Perspective of Workers in Humanitarian Organizations in Jordan

Dr. Raafat Abdel Salam Tarawneh
Aqaba University for Medical sciences, Jordan,
Dr. Ali Jameel Al-Sarayrah
Al Zaytoonah University of Jordan
Dr. Mahmoud Mohammad Al-Karaki
Aqaba University of Technology
Dr.Saddon Almajali
Mutah University, Jordan,
Anas Mohammad Abdullah Al Tarawni
Prince Al Hussein Bin Abdullah II Academy for Civil Protection- Al- Balqa' Applied University,
Keywords: Political Awareness Among Syrian Refugees, Asylum Centers, Employees in Humanitarian Organizations, Jordan..


The study aimed to identify the political awareness of Syrian refugees in asylum centers from the point of view of employees in humanitarian organizations in Jordan, and to reveal the significance of the differences in political awareness among Syrian refugees in asylum centers, according to the variables of gender, educational qualification, and experience. The descriptive analytical approach was used, using a questionnaire consisting of (45) items, whose validity and reliability indicators were verified, and was applied to a sample of (350) male and female employees. The study found that political awareness among Syrian refugees in asylum centers, from the point of view of workers in humanitarian organizations, was at a moderate degree, and that there were differences attributable to academic qualifications, in favor of those with postgraduate qualifications. It also showed that there were differences attributable to experience and in favor of those with more experience, while it was found that there were no There are differences in humanitarian organizations due to gender. In light of the results, the study recommended the importance of carrying out awareness-raising initiatives that encourage Syrian refugees to join political parties to exercise an active political role in serving the people, the homeland and the nation.

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