Kurdish Studies

ISSN: 2051-4883 | e-ISSN: 2051-4891
Email: editor@kurdishstudies.net

Medellín District of Science, Technology and Innovation: An Opportunity to Reinforce the Curriculum of the Public Accounting Program with Artificial Intelligence?

Orlando Carmelo Castellanos Polo
Northern Catholic University Foundation, Medellín, Antioquia, Colombia
Daniel Alberto Grajales Gaviria
Metropolitan Technological Institute ITM, Medellín, Colombia,
José Alexander Velásquez Ochoa
American University Corporation, Medellín, Antioquia, Colombia,
Juan Carlos Cardona Acosta
Pascual Bravo University Institution, Medellín, Colombia
Jorge Armando Muñoz Ruiz
Remington University Corporation, Medellín, Colombia
Keywords: University, Public Accountant. Information Technologies, Systematization, academic curriculum..


Aim: The research analyzes the academic curricula of several universities in the City of Medellín such as the Science, Technology and Innovation District, the importance of updating the curricula of the public accounting career is analyzed. Theoretical framework:Every time information technologies advance in an accelerated manner, causing changes in the profession of accounting science, therefore, universities are immersed in periodically evaluating the demands of organizations on public accountants, the results of the business field. Today they demand that the learning of information technology (ICT) be strengthened from the academy in the classroom of the public accounting program class. Method: The importance of incorporating the subject of digital innovation is analyzed based on the documentary review, such as the Syllabus proposal with the topics that must be addressed, with sufficient credit hours, where the automation of processes, systematic language, artificial intelligence are taught. and Big data analysis. Results:The academic curricula reviewed in the sample are not updated or in their form do not contain current topics in information technology and artificial intelligence. Conclusions: It is necessary that universities that offer the Public Accounting program update their academic curricula with the new demands of the business market with reference to information technologies and artificial intelligence that are useful for a competent accountant.

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