Exploring the Evolution and Use of the Derogatory Term "Shucuy" in Huánuco
Universidad Nacional Hermilio Valdizán,
Ido Lugo Villegas
Universidad Nacional Hermilio Valdizán
Claudia Rocio Otálora Martínez
Universidad Nacional Agraria de la Selva
Peru and its departments have not overcome the problem of racism, xenophobia and social, cultural, economic, political and ideological discrimination, inherited from colonial times to the present. Huánuco is one of those regions, where derogatory terms are used to describe one group by another human group; What is the geographical, historical and cultural context of the use of the term "shucuy" in Huánuco?, What is the historical, social and cultural origin of the term "shucuy" in Huánuco?, How has the meaning and use of the word "shucuy" evolved over time in the Andean areas of Huánuco?, What sociocultural and linguistic factors influence the perception of "shucuy" as a derogatory term or a form of Huanuco identity?, What is the social and psychological impact of the term "shucuy" on the population of Huánuco?, What is the validity of the term "shucuy" in the population of Huánuco?; our goal is to understand and analyze the geographical, historical and cultural context of Huánuco in order to understand the origin of the term "shucuy" and its relevance in the region; As a methodology we use the technique of bibliographic and documentary analysis of colonial sources, description of travelers, and archaeological evidence of the term Shucuy, the points of view of opinionologists, such as ethnologists, anthropologists, historians, linguists. The results are: data from vocabularies and dictionaries of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, the appreciation of travelers, reports from oral sources and archaeological evidence. The conclusions of the study are: The term Shucuy is a local language of the Guanucu, in its variant Huayhuash, associated with the activity of making flip flops; and as a derogatory term since 1920, when Enrique López Albujar published the Andean Tales, branding the citizen of the province of Huamalíes as a rough, crude, crude, delinquent, uncivilized, uncultured and stinking man. Since then, many commentators have continued to disparagingly label the man as shuco or shucuy and the Andean woman as shocona.