Kurdish Studies

ISSN: 2051-4883 | e-ISSN: 2051-4891
Email: editor@kurdishstudies.net

Community Tourism in Ecuador: Management and Perception in the Province of Chimborazo

Silvia Marieta Aldaz Hernández
Universidad Nacional de Chimborazo
Daniel Marcelo Guerrero Vaca
Universidad Nacional de Chimborazo,
Roger Badin Paredes Guerrero
Universidad Nacional de Chimborazo
Paula Elizabeth Moreno Aguirre
Universidad Nacional de Chimborazo,
Keywords: Tourism, Ecuador, Community, Management, Perception..


Tourism in Ecuador is a crucial economic activity driven by its biodiversity and cultural richness. Despite a drop in tourism in 2020 due to the economic crisis and pandemic, the sector recovered in 2021, contributing significantly to the country's Gross Domestic Product.Community-based tourism has emerged as a way to generate income in rural areas, prioritizing the conservation of natural resources and cultural heritage. This model has been widely studied in several countries, including Ecuador, where it has become a prominent practice.Students from the University of Azuay visited the province of Chimborazo to study the management of community tourism. Their perception of the tourism services offered in the province was positive, highlighting the quality of the food, facilities and activities offered by the local communities.The students also evaluated various tourism activities, such as museum visits, city tours, and experiences in nature reserves, highlighting the diversity and quality of tourism offerings in Chimborazo province.

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