Kurdish Studies

ISSN: 2051-4883 | e-ISSN: 2051-4891
Email: editor@kurdishstudies.net

Kurdish Ethnicity, Conspicuous consumption, and Kurdish Cultural Apparel consumption in Iraq

Wissam Zaki Mtani
Department of law / Al-Esraa University College, Baghdad, Iraq
Qasim Khlaif Kadhim
English Language and Literature Department, Al-Mustaqbal University College, Babylon. Iraq
Mohammed Abdulkreem Salim
Al-Manara College For Medical Sciences / (Maysan)/Iraq
Ahmed Hatim Jabbar Attiya
Al-Farahidi University- College of Law / Iraq
Rand Abd Al Mahdi
Law Department, Al-Nisour University College / Baghdad / Iraq
Mustafa Ibrahim Abdelhassan
National University of Science and Technology, Dhi Qar, Iraq
Keywords: Kurdish Ethnicity, Conspicuous consumption, Cultural Apparel, Kurd, Iraq.


The main objective of the study is to examine the impact of Kurdish ethnicity on the Kurdish Cultural Apparel consumption in Iraq. Ethnic identification is the common identity of a group of people based on their shared history and heritage as well as their understanding of differentiating markers such as nation, religion, and language. In addition to that the multidimensional construct of Conspicuous consumption. Statistical software programs SPSS and PLS were used to analyze the findings of this investigation. A self-administered questionnaire was used by the researcher to collect data. Respondents to this survey were citizens of Iraq's Kurdish area who purchased clothing from Kurdish businesses and self-identified as clients of these companies. The researcher chose to gather data from 500 pupils and randomly picked them. The researcher received just 272 replies from the 500 participants in the study. The study's findings have supported the predicted outcomes. All hypotheses are accepted except for Kurdish Ethnic Identity (KEI) -> Status (ST) -> Consumption of Cultural Apparel. A significant yet undiscovered aspect of consumer marketing has been uncovered by the research. The study's conclusions will be useful for policymakers. Observing Kurdish fashion textiles being sold in the markets of al-Sulaymaniyah was associated with a feeling of achievement and happiness, according to the study's results.

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