Kurdish Studies

ISSN: 2051-4883 | e-ISSN: 2051-4891
Email: editor@kurdishstudies.net

The Relationship between Lean Leadership and Competitive Success for a Group of Smart Phone Marketing Outlets in Najaf Governorate in Iraq

Dr. Ameer N.Mukif Alkilabi
Faculty of Administration and Economics, University of Kufa, Iraq
Asst. Prof Afnan Abd Ali Alasady
Faculty of Administration and Economics, University of Kufa, Iraq,
Dr.Natalya Ahmed Alkaseer
Faculty of Administration and Economics, University of Kufa, Iraq
Keywords: lean leadership, competitive success, smart phones marketing outlets..


The research is aimed at testing the relationship between lean leadership as an independent variable through its dimensions (1) culture of continuous improvement, (2) self-development, (3) scientific qualifications, (4) Gemba, and (5) Hoshin Kanri, and competitive success as a dependent variable through its dimensions (1) level of product and service quality, (2) organizational management, and use of resources, (3) strengthening of corporate culture, (4) application of knowledge and use of ICT, and (5) knowledge and experience of the market. A group of smart phone marketing outlets in Alnajaf Alashraf governorate has been chosen as a spatial domain to conduct the study due to its importance to the governorate. The research included two hypothesis for testing correlation and influence. The research population has mounted (380) workers, from which a sample of (193) has been selected according to sample size table style accredited to (Krejcie & Morgan,1970:608). The data was processed by (Spss .v. 23). The research concluded that success in employing some of the dimensions of lean leadership helps the organization achieve many advantages that help it in employing its strengths to encounter external challenges, which will positively be reflected in improving its competitive positioning, which is the first step towards achieving the competitive success that most of contemporary business organizations seek to achieve.

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