Kurdish Studies

ISSN: 2051-4883 | e-ISSN: 2051-4891
Email: editor@kurdishstudies.net

The Analysis of Drug Eradication Policy Strategies at the Northern Kalimantan - Sabah Border: A Policy Collaboration between Indonesia and Malaysia

Moehamad Hasan Setyabudi
Department of International Relation, Universitas Padjadjaran
Arry Bainus
Department of International Relation, Universitas Padjadjaran,
R. Widya Setiabudi Sumadinata
Department of International Relation, Universitas Padjadjaran
Darmansjah Djumala
Department of International Relation, Universitas Padjadjaran
Keywords: Indonesia, Malaysia, Drugs, Northern Kalimantan, Sabah.


To address the challenges of transnational drug crimes, the governments of Indonesia and Malaysia have joined forces to tackle the issue at the border between Northern Kalimantan and Sabah. Due to serious surveillance shortcomings in this area, especially in Northern Kalimantan, multinational syndicates are able to smuggle enormous amounts of drugs from Sabah to Northern Kalimantan and then to major Indonesian cities. This study focuses on an analysis of policy collaboration patterns between Indonesia and Malaysia to address this issue. The qualitative research method employed involved a case study with data collected through observation, interviews, documentation, and visual sources. Informant selection was performed using the purposive snowball technique to extract in-depth information. Additionally, the study utilizes a literature review and web searches to gather supplementary data, which are analyzed through a data reduction method. Research findings show that collaborative policies between Indonesia and Malaysia are implemented in the form of information exchange and joint patrols on land and sea borders. Despite the existence of this collaboration, its effectiveness is still limited owing to challenges in border management, inadequate infrastructure, minimal community participation, and law enforcement resource constraints. The study also revealed that the complexity of international drug networks and the lack of sustained commitment in information exchange contribute to the high levels of drug smuggling and circulation in the northern Kalimantan-Sabah border region.

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