Kurdish Studies

ISSN: 2051-4883 | e-ISSN: 2051-4891
Email: editor@kurdishstudies.net

Need Analysis of History and Islamic Civilization Curriculum Integrated Gender-Responsive

Muhammad Ilham
Jamaris Jamna
Siti Fatimah
Keywords: need analysis, Islamic history and civilization curriculum, gender-responsive.


This study aims to integrate the value of responsiveness with the identification of factors of the learning process in Higher Education because Islamic History and civilization in constructing historical justifications are strengthened by theological interpretation; this research method surveyed 389 students who took SPI (Islamic et al.) courses from this paper motivated by values that are less responsive in various cases of the learning process in Higher Education. This course of biased gender construction is also often found in various references used in learning, methods used, and cognitive elaboration delivered during the learning process, one of which is teaching material for Islamic History and Civilization. The results showed that the adaptation of RPS design is integrated with History and Islamic Civilization, and gender-responsive that emphasizes cognitive, affective, and psychomotor abilities, and produces teaching materials in the form of gender-responsive best practices from historical events and discussions of History and Islamic Civilization.

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