Kurdish Studies

ISSN: 2051-4883 | e-ISSN: 2051-4891
Email: editor@kurdishstudies.net

Educational Policies to Strengthen Learning Processes in Colombia

Ligia Martínez Bula
Corporación universitaria del caribe
Marisela Restrepo Ruíz
Corporación universitaria del caribe
Mario Gándara Molino
Corporación universitaria del caribe
Luis Baleta Medrano
Corporación universitaria del caribe
Keywords: educational policies, evaluation, implementation, quality..


This reflective article emerges from the need to carry out a theoretical-reflective study from a documentary perspective of educational policies in higher education in Colombia. Therefore, it is important to jot down that the findings obtained through this analysis were pertinent to specify how government changes have fostered the implementation, evaluation, and re-evaluation of these educational policies. Additionally, including these policies in the Colombian education system leads to the promotion of a quality education, aiming at transforming integral citizens capable of changing the world. After the analysis, it is possible to affirm that each variation in the state's public policies must follow a process of constant self-evaluation in order to improve the processes of meaningful teaching.

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