Kurdish Studies

ISSN: 2051-4883 | e-ISSN: 2051-4891
Email: editor@kurdishstudies.net

Development of Meaningful Learning from Family-School Integration

Canquiz-Rincón Liliana
Universidad de la Costa, Barranquilla-Colombia,
Larios-Montes Edith
Institución Técnica Distrital Helena De Chauvin. Barranquilla-Colombia
Jiménez-Porto Yurley
Institución Educativa Distrital Helena de Chauvin. Barranquilla-Colombia
Inciarte- González Alicia
Universidad de la Costa, Barranquilla-Colombia
Keywords: school-family integration; significant learning; motivation, emotionality; stake..


The research shows the results of a study carried out on family-school integration as a foundation for meaningful learning in secondary basic education students, belonging to the official sector in the Colombian Caribbean region. The type of research was descriptive, with a deductive rationalist approach and a mixed or complementary paradigm. The sample was made up of sixty-four (64) students in their final year of high school and twenty-four (24) parents and/or guardians, to whom a survey was applied, eleven (11) teachers and one (1) director of the educational institution, consulted through an interview. Once the information was obtained, the triangulation technique was used to cross-reference the opinions, perceptions and beliefs of the actors involved in the comprehensive training of the students. As a result, it was possible to characterize the factors that favor family-school integration, including emotionality, participation, communication, attention and motivation of parents in accompanying their children's academic activities. For their part, schools must organize spaces that promote integration relationships, which represents an alternative to face the dilemmas of the educational context and promote the development of meaningful learning.

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