Kurdish Studies

ISSN: 2051-4883 | e-ISSN: 2051-4891
Email: editor@kurdishstudies.net

Digital Competencies as a Mediating Variable in the Relationship between Strategic Optimism and Defensive Pessimism among Faculty Members

Kazim Adil Al Ghoul
Associate Professor of Educational Administration Faculty Arts and Educational Sciences, middle East University, Amman, Jordan
Keywords: .


This study examines the association between digital competencies and psychological strategies, namely, defensive pessimism and strategic optimism, among faculty members in higher education. Using the Self-Determination Theory (SDT) as a theoretical lens, we investigate how faculty digital competencies - and their satisfaction of relatedness, competence, and autonomy needs - shape their perceptions and practices for digital technologies. A mixed-methods approach was used, and the "Digital Competency Mediation Scale and Faculty Members Questionnaire (DCMSFMQ)" was developed for data collection. Analysis of DCMSFMQ responses provided by 183 academics teaching in Jordanian private universities indicates that digital competencies were significantly related to both strategic optimism and defensive pessimism. The results suggest that higher levels of digital competencies were associated with more strategic optimism, indicating that faculty with strong digital skills were more likely to adopt a future-oriented, positive episode. At the same time, a strong direct (positive) association between digital competencies and defensive pessimism was also found, indicating that faculty with greater digital competency might also adopt anticipatory strategies to handle challenges and uncertainties when employing technologies. The implications point to the complex interplay between psychological strategies and digital skills of educators. The development of digital competencies should be promoted in line with supportive psychological techniques to facilitate the effective integration of technology into colleges and universities.

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