Kurdish Studies

ISSN: 2051-4883 | e-ISSN: 2051-4891
Email: editor@kurdishstudies.net

The Impact of an Educational Curriculum Using Interactive Media and Manufactured Aids on Some Motor Abilities and Learning the Tennis Serving Skill for Students

M. Mohanad Kareem Abdal Zahra
Department of Applied Sciences, College of Physical Education and Sport Science, University of Thi-Qar, Thi-Qar, 64001, Iraq
Prof. Dr. Rashad Tariq Youssef
Department of Applied Sciences, College of Physical Education and Sport Science, University of Thi-Qar, Thi-Qar, 64001, Iraq
Keywords: Interactive Multimedia - Motor Skills - Tennis Serving Abstract.


The aim of the research is to develop an educational curriculum using highly interactive multimedia and manufactured tools to enhance some motor skills and teach the skill of tennis serve to students. Additionally, the study seeks to examine the impact of this curriculum. The researchers employed an experimental approach to align with the nature of the research problem. The research community consisted of third-year students at the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences/ Thi Qar University for the academic year 2022-2023, totaling 163 students. The researchers selected a sample of 45 students, divided into three experimental groups, each consisting of 15 students. The researchers ensured homogeneity and equivalence in the research variables. The instructional units were implemented by the subject teacher over a period of 9 weeks, with one instructional unit per week, totaling 9 instructional units. This period extended from Sunday, March 12, 2023, to Wednesday, May 10, 2023.

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