Kurdish Studies

ISSN: 2051-4883 | e-ISSN: 2051-4891
Email: editor@kurdishstudies.net

The Effect of Some Cognitive Stimulants according to their Timing on Learning the Snatch Skill in Weightlifting for Students

M.M Hisham Malik Mazhir
Department of Theoretical Sciences, College of Physical education and sports sciences, University of Thi-Qar, 64001, Iraq
Prof.Dr. Mohsen Ali AI Saadawi
Department of Theoretical Sciences, College of Physical education and sports sciences, University of Thi-Qar, 64001, Iraq
Keywords: Cognitive Stimulants, Timing (Pre - During - Post), Snatch Skill.


The significance of this research lies in attempting to apply educational methods using certain cognitive enhancers according to their timing (before, during, and after) and their impact on learning the snatch skill for students, a topic not previously addressed. This enables practical application in the field and in a suitable manner that can contribute to the development of the educational process for learning the technical performance of the snatch for students, thereby enhancing the learning process to achieve a higher level of effectiveness in weightlifting. The researchers employed an experimental approach with three experimental groups.The key findings indicated the superiority of the second experimental group that implemented the cognitive enhancer method during its timing in enhancing the technical performance of the snatch skill compared to the two experimental groups that implemented the cognitive enhancer method before and after. The researchers recommend conducting similar research and studies using the cognitive enhancer method according to its timing and comparing it with other educational methods in individual and group sports activities.

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