Kurdish Studies

ISSN: 2051-4883 | e-ISSN: 2051-4891
Email: editor@kurdishstudies.net

The Impact of an Educational Approach Using Assistive Means on Developing Motor Skills and Passing and Dribbling Abilities in Soccer for 13-14-Year-Olds

Researcher: Mustafa Khaled Abdulhassan
Department of Applied Sciences, College of Physical Education and Sport Science, University of Thi-Qar, Thi-Qar, 64001, Iraq
Prof. Dr: Haider Shumkhi Jabbar
Department of Applied Sciences, College of Physical Education and Sport Science, University of Thi-Qar, Thi-Qar, 64001, Iraq
Keywords: (Motor skills, scrolling, rolling).


The importance of research lies in the researcher's attempt to develop an educational approach using assistive methods that can enhance the motor skills and passing and dribbling skills in football for individuals aged 13-14 years. This is crucial for improving their abilities and skills in the game, aiming to achieve the main goal of the learning process. It is essential to focus on a broad age group as a cornerstone for reaching higher levels in football. As the researcher is both a football practitioner and a teacher, the identified research problem is the lack of emphasis and sufficient time dedicated by coaches to develop motor skills, which are the essence of skillful performance. Previous studies have shown that mentally and physically proficient players have a high capacity to quickly acquire fundamental skills. The close connection between these variables, along with the limited diversity in assistive methods, hinders the educational process. Hence, the researcher decided to study this problem and find a suitable solution by employing an educational approach using diverse assistive methods tailored to the abilities of the research sample. The focus is on enhancing specific motor abilities and fundamental skills in football, ultimately elevating the player to the best possible level. The research objectives include developing an educational approach using assistive methods to enhance motor skills, passing, and dribbling skills in football for individuals aged 13-14 years. Additionally, the study aims to identify statistical differences between pre-test and post-test results for the control and experimental groups concerning selected motor abilities and football passing and dribbling skills. The researcher adopted an experimental approach, designing two equivalent groups (control and experimental). The research population was deliberately selected, consisting of football players from a specialized school in Nasiriya, aged 13-14 years, representing the youth category. The sample included six participants for the pilot study and 20 players for the main research, accounting for 71.14% of the original population. One of the key conclusions drawn from the study is that the educational units employed on individuals in both the control and experimental groups had a positive impact on developing motor skills, passing, and dribbling skills in football.

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