Revlon’s ERP Implementation Failure
Wesam Helmi
PhD candidate at North Dakota State University, College of Business, Department of Transportation, Logistics and Finance, Fargo, North Dakota, United States
PhD candidate at North Dakota State University, College of Business, Department of Transportation, Logistics and Finance, Fargo, North Dakota, United States
Keywords: Revlon, ERP, Implementation, Failure.
ERP implementation can be considered the biggest investment the company might have. It requires resources, time, and effort. However, it became highly needed, especially for large companies. One of the ERP many benefits is to have quick access to information so business leaders make decisions in timely manner. In this case study, we review Revlon the major player in the world of cosmetics industry. They had an unsuccessful ERP implementation project, which caused huge losses and its investors filed lawsuits against the company. In this paper, we will review how Revlon reached the level of failing the ERP implementation project. We will address the implementation issues throughout the paper and at the end of it.