Kurdish Studies

ISSN: 2051-4883 | e-ISSN: 2051-4891
Email: editor@kurdishstudies.net

Associative Work and Leisure Time Management Among Young People -A Sociological Reading-

Rédha Bougherza
Department of Sociology, College of Arts, Sciences and Information Technology, University of Khorfakkan.
Ahmed Menighed
Laboratory of psychological aplications in the Penal environment Faculty of Human and Social Sciences, University of Batna
Fenineche Wassim
The multidisciplinary laboratory for applied humanities and social sciences for development, Faculty of Human and Social Sciences, University of Jijel.
Mohamed Mallek
Department of communication, College of Arts, Sciences and Information Technology, University of Khorfakkan.
Yasser Abderrahmane
Laboratory of the Economics of Organizations and Sustainable Development, Faculty of Economics, Commercial and Management Sciences, University of Jijel, Jijel Algeria
Keywords: Youth, Associative Work, Leisure Time, Leisure Time Management..


The present paper is concerned with the provision of a sociological reading on the role of collective work in managing youth’s leisure time. It aims to monitor Algerian youth as renewable energies that need greater attention. It also aims to shed light on associations as effective social institutions in managing young people’s leisure time in their daily lives, especially with the increase of leisure time as a result of the changes that have occurred in social and economic conditions, and the increasing reliance on technology. This calls for thinking about associative work and evaluating its effectiveness for young people, as collective work is a vital factor contributing to the management of youth’s free time in rational ways. On the basis of that, the study concluded that active associations in Algeria need a multiple role, new visions in looking at the collective role, youth, and leisure time, and finding alternative ways to manage these times instead of being satisfied with seasonal cultural and recreational activities only, and reducing the cases of alienation that young people suffer from today, as well as changing consumer perceptions towards leisure time and giving back the public space to young people. This allows them to strengthen their community presence.

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