Kurdish Studies

ISSN: 2051-4883 | e-ISSN: 2051-4891
Email: editor@kurdishstudies.net

Multicultural Context of the Foreign Novel in Modern Literature

Baltabayeva Gaukhar
Doctor of philological sciences, Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University, Kazakhstan, 050000, Almaty, Aiteke bi Street, 99
Menlikul Shindaliyeva
Doctor of Philology, Professor School of «Media and Cinema» Almaty Management University Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan
Alua Tanzharikova
Dr. of philology, director of Institute philology and multilingual eduction Kazakh National Pedagogical university named after Abay, Dostyk avenue, 13, 050050, Almaty, Kazakhstan
Bolsynbayeva Amangaisha
Candidate of philological sciences
Abdullina Ardak
Senior teacher, master of education, Arkalyk Pedagogical institute named after Y. Altynsarin
Kuralkhanova Botagoz
Сandidate of philology, associate professor at the higher school of humanities, Pavlodar pedagogical university named after Alkey Margulan
Keywords: iterature, multicultural aspect, novel, English novel, culture, globalization, literary history, dialogue of cultures.


This article provides clear theoretical definitions of the main research concepts", "context", "multicultural context". The essence of the phenomenon "multicultural context of the modern novel" is revealed. The peculiarity of philosophical and aesthetic attitudes of modern Western theorists of multiculturalism and postcolonialism is determined. In this article, we explore modern English literature, namely, the work of modern English writers V. Naipaul, S. Naipaul, S. Rushdie, X. Kureishi, B. Okri and other authors who combined the fundamental archetypes of two or more cultures in their creative biography and in their work, but at the moment linking their creative being with England, the cultural and literary tradition of this country. In the article we present cultural-historical, comparative-typological, axiological research methods. The genre features of the multicultural novel are investigated on the basis of the synthesis of the traditional analytical approach to the disclosure of the nature of the literary genre and new theoretical calculations of researchers of this phenomenon of literature. The linguistic phenomena recorded in the works of modern English prose writers-multiculturalists are explained through the prism of the conscious desire of authors - carriers of various ethno-cultural roots to differentiate their cultural identity.; The possible prospects of the mutual influence of new, multicultural literature on the dominant literary tradition are indicated in the dialectical way of the mutual influence of the key concepts of "center" and "periphery", "dominant" and "marginal".

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