Kurdish Studies

ISSN: 2051-4883 | e-ISSN: 2051-4891
Email: editor@kurdishstudies.net

Geoheritage as an Important Parameter for Geotourist Attractions: A Case Study in Asir Region, Saudi Arabia

Mena Elassal
Associate Professor, Geography Department, College of Arts and Humanities, King Khalid University
Sherif Abdel Salam Sherif
Professor, Geography Department, Imm Abdul Raham Bin Faisal University,
Fadhl Al Maayn
Associate Professor, Geography Department, College of Arts and Humanities, King Khalid University
Keywords: Geomorphological heritage; Geomorphosites; Geotourism; Landscape; aesthetic properties.


Geoheritage is a resource for Geotourism and Geotourist attractions differ in aesthetic attractiveness. Asir region is several notable for groups of landforms unique importance of attractions. Examples of sites are described where Geoheritage an important parameter of Geotourist attractions, were analyzed of the region. The most interesting sites, from the point of view of science, tourism and aesthetic value of the landscape, were selected for study. The results of the study indicate the need to further promote the values of Geotourism for the lesser-known sites in the Asir region, and this will enable better tourism management in light of the vision of Saudi Arabia 2030, and the Asir development strategy "Qimam and Shem".

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