Kurdish Studies

ISSN: 2051-4883 | e-ISSN: 2051-4891
Email: editor@kurdishstudies.net

Marginalization of Information from People on the Outskirts of Gadukan Village from Digital Television Migration

Teguh Priyo Sadono
Faculty of Social and Political Sciences University 17 August 1945, Surabaya, Indonesia
Keywords: Digitalization; Immigration; Marginalization; Devian.


The start of the digitalization of television with the Ministry of Communication and Information Regulation Number: 07/P/M KOMINFO/3/2007 forced people to migrate from analog to digital. This migration forces people to buy Set Top Box (STB) devices.(KOMINFO RI, t.t.) In Gadukan village, North Surabaya, there is a slum village that has difficulty accessing television because STB is not accessible, they have lost the means of entertainment and information. Citizens become marginalized from the flow of entertainment and information around them. This condition will further exacerbate inequality in Slum society. Starting from this, research into people's feelings of marginalization from information and entertainment. Based on the Theory of Technological Determinism, the main idea is that changes in the way of communication will shape human existence itself. Valente's Diffusion of Innovation Theory suggests that social networks can influence the speed and pattern of innovation diffusion, the number of social connections and being located at the center of a social network tends to be faster and more effective. Robert K, Merton in strain theory explains that the effects of imbalance due to marginalization tend to be more susceptible to pressure which leads to deviant behavior. The research method was carried out using a qualitative approach through phenomenological studies. The research results show that the migration to digitalization of television has resulted in the marginalization of information for poor communities. Impoverishment through the marginalization of information has strengthened the assumption of media technology determinism as a structural device in poverty.

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