The Impact of Viral Marketing on Brand Awareness and Consumer Purchase Intention
School of Technology Management and Logistics, Universiti Utara Malaysia, Cholistan Institute of Business Administration, CUVAS, Bahawalpur
Anum Maqbool
Air University Multan campus, Multan, Pakistan
Asifa Maqbool
Muhammad Nawaz Sharif University of Engineering and Technology, Multan, Pakistan, COMSATS University Islamabad, Vehari campus, Vehari, Pakistan
Munir Ahmed
Department of Management Sciences, COMSATS University Islamabad, Vehari Campus
Nura Abubakar Allumi
School of Technology Management and Logistics, Universiti Utara Malaysia.
Muhammad Naveed Shahzad
NU FAST University Islamabad, Pakistan
Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to analyze the effect of viral marketing media on the awareness of brand and ultimately influence the consumer purchase intention. This paper will also compare the effectiveness of the media of viral marketing i.e. Facebook, mobiles and emails. Based on the survey with the users of Facebook, mobiles and emails in accordance with AIDA hierarchy of effects theory the findings show that Facebook is most influential and effective media of viral marketing in Pakistan for creating brand awareness and consumer purchase intention. Viral marketing media has positive impact on brand awareness and brand awareness has positive impact on the purchase intention. From a theoretical standpoint, findings contribute to understanding of the value-added potential of viral marketing media and how it works. Design/Methodology: To answer the author’s research questions a survey was conducted from the viral marketing media users i.e. university students, private employees and Govt. employees. To test hypothesis authors applied Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) with Amos 21. Findings: Our findings demonstrate that marketing communication through viral marketing media has positive effects on consumer’s brand awareness and purchase intention. Thus, viral marketing media activities indeed affect the process of purchase decision. Among three mediums the usage of mobile phone is greater as compared to facebook and emails but facebook has more impact on brand awareness and consumer purchase intention. Originality/Value: From a theoretical standpoint, findings contribute to understanding of the value-added potential of viral marketing media and its effect on the process of consumer purchase decision