Kurdish Studies

ISSN: 2051-4883 | e-ISSN: 2051-4891
Email: editor@kurdishstudies.net

The Impact of Intellectual Property Rights and the Work Environment on Information Security in the United Arab Emirates

Nadia Yas
College of Law, Umm Al Quwain University, Umm Al Quawain, UAE
Mohammed Njim Ibrahim Elyat
Public law, Faculty of law, Arab Open University, Sib, Oman
Mohamed Saeed
Manager of Pavement and Materials Quality, Roads and Transport Authority, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Fanar Shwedeh
College of Business, City University Ajman, Ajman, UAE
Shamma Lootah
Business School, University of Dubai, Dubai, UAE
Keywords: Intellectual Property Rights, Information Security, Work Environment, Organizational Culture, Legal and Regulatory Frameworks, Awareness, UAE Organizations.


In an era of digital transformation and rapid technological advancements, safeguarding intellectual property and ensuring robust information security has become paramount for organizations operating in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). This study investigates the intricate interplay between two critical factors—intellectual property rights and the work environment—and their collective influence on information security practices within UAE organizations. The research objectives encompass an analysis of the extent to which intellectual property rights are protected and enforced in the UAE, an exploration of the relationship between awareness of intellectual property rights and information security practices among employees, and an examination of how the work environment, including organizational culture and policies, impacts information security measures. A stratified random sampling method was employed to select a sample of 250 respondents from various sectors, encompassing IT/Technology, Healthcare, Finance, Education, and others. Data collection involved a combination of primary and secondary sources, including surveys and reviews of legal and regulatory frameworks. The research findings reveal that the protection and enforcement of intellectual property rights significantly impact information security practices, with legal and regulatory frameworks playing a pivotal role. Incorporating the Smart PLS software into the study enhances the robustness of the analysis. This advanced statistical tool facilitates structural equation modeling, allowing for a more nuanced exploration of the relationships between variables. The use of Smart PLS contributes to the depth and accuracy of the findings, offering valuable insights for organizations aiming to bolster their information security practices. Additionally, policymakers and regulatory bodies can leverage these findings to refine and strengthen the legal frameworks surrounding intellectual property rights in the UAE.

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