Kurdish Studies

ISSN: 2051-4883 | e-ISSN: 2051-4891
Email: editor@kurdishstudies.net

Implementation of Srp (Sustainable Rice Platform) Standards: A Case Study in the Mekong Delta of Vietnam

Bui Chuc Ly
Mekong Delta Development Research Institute, Can Tho University & Extension Centre of Soc Trang province
Nguyen Hong Tin
Nguyen Thi Kim Thoa
Nguyen Thanh Tam
Keywords: Rice production, SRP, Threshold, Influence factors.


Rice production holds a main role not only in ensuring national food security but also in sustaining the livelihoods of over 70% of the population in the Mekong Delta region. Embracing the Sustainable Rice Platform (SRP) standards emerges as a promising long-term solution, aligning with the overarching strategy for rice production development in Vietnam and, more specifically, the Mekong Delta. To scrutinize the viability of implementing SRP standards in Mekong Delta rice production, a structured interview approach was employed, gathering data from 200 farmers in the key rice-producing provinces of An Giang and Dong Thap. Descriptive statistics were employed to delineate household characteristics and farmers' scores, with multiple linear regression models utilized to discern the factors influencing the application level of SRP standards, quantified by SRP scores ranging from 1 to 100. The findings reveal a mean SRP score of 84.7, with no farmer falling below a score of 33, indicating universal compliance with SRP standards. This underscores the suitability of SRP standards for seamless integration into the agricultural practices of the Mekong Delta region. The study identifies five thematic areas where farmers fall short of sustainable standards and pinpoints nine specific requirements that remain below the prescribed thresholds. Multiple linear regression analysis further unveils six influential factors shaping the decision to adopt SRP standards: education level, rice farm size, cooperative membership, diary record-keeping, cooperative irrigation utilization, and engagement in consumption contracts. In response to these revelations, the study proposes eight strategic solutions aimed at amplifying the adoption of SRP standards in the Mekong Delta. These encompass intensified training initiatives, the establishment and fortification of cooperatives, support mechanisms for comprehensive diary record-keeping, infrastructural enhancements for cooperative and group irrigation, bolstered linkages between businesses and farmers, branding initiatives, and targeted financial and technical support for small-scale farmers. Grounded in the research's empirical insights, these proposed solutions are envisioned to propel the widespread adoption of SRP standards, fostering sustainable rice production practices in the dynamic agricultural landscape of the Mekong Delta.

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