Kurdish Studies

ISSN: 2051-4883 | e-ISSN: 2051-4891
Email: editor@kurdishstudies.net

Evaluating The Reality of Crisis Management at The University of Idlib from The Point of View of Administrators

Mis. Amani saflo
Idleb University
Mostafa Aldarwish
Idlib University
Abd Alwahed Hamoda
Idleb University
Keywords: (The Reality of Crisis Management, Administrators, Idlib University, Crisis Management)..


The research aimed to find out the reality of crisis management at the University of Idlib from the point of view of administrators. The researcher adopted the descriptive approach and applied the research to the administrative employees at the University of Idlib, who number (210) employee, a questionnaire was prepared consisting of (15)A paragraph that included the dimensions of evaluating the reality of crisis management. The questionnaire was distributed electronically to the research sample, which were determined based on the Krejci and Morgan table, and the most important findings of the research:

1-The evaluation of the reality of crisis management at the University of Idlib from the point of view of administrators was moderate.

2-The reality of crisis management was arranged in descending order (the reality of crisis management during the crisis with an arithmetic mean (4), Then the reality of crisis management after the crisis with an arithmetic average (3.92), Finally, the reality of crisis management before the crisis with an arithmetic average (3.47).

3-There are no statistically significant differences at the significance level 0.05 Among the answers of the research sample members about evaluating the reality of crisis management at the University of Idlib from the point of view of administrators is due to the variable (gender, age).

4-There are statistically significant differences at the significance level 0.05 Among the answers of members of the research sample about evaluating the reality of crisis management at the University of Idlib from the point of view of administrators is due to the variety of academic qualifications.

The researcher recommends several things to the senior management in higher education institutions, including:

1- Follow up on the development taking place in of crisis management in countries with the aim of being able to confront crises efficiently and effectively and using unconventional scientific methods.

2-Working to increase the skills of administrative leaders in the field of crisis management through specialized seminars and conferences.

3- Continuously updating information to be able to monitor all the signals that occur in the environment that can help predict the occurrence of crises.

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