Kurdish Studies

ISSN: 2051-4883 | e-ISSN: 2051-4891
Email: editor@kurdishstudies.net

A Study of the Perspectives of Iraqi Managers on the Impact of Intelligent Leadership on Achieving Entrepreneurial Orientation in Developmental Industrial Projects

Sama Basil Muhammad
Administrative Technical College, Northern Technical University, Mosul, Iraq
Raafat Assi Al-Obaidi
Administrative Technical College, Northern Technical University, Mosul, Iraq
Maha Abdel Karim Al-Rawi
Department of Human Development, Ministry of Planning Iraq
Keywords: Entrepreneurial Orientation, Industrial Development Projects, Smart Leadership..


The researcher identified a gap in the literature and previous studies that did not give sufficient attention to testing the impact of smart leadership on entrepreneurial orientation in organizations, especially in industrial and developmental projects. Therefore, the current research aims to investigate the impact of smart leadership in its three dimensions (cognitive, spiritual, emotional intelligence) as an independent variable in achieving entrepreneurial orientation as a dependent variable, represented by the dimensions of creativity, proactivity, risk-taking, and competitiveness. The research employing a descriptive-analytical methodology. The study employed a purposive sampling technique in which 90 questionnaires were distributed to managers in General Directorate of Industrial Development as the study area. The current study revealed that smart leadership plays a significant role in achieving entrepreneurial orientation, with a significant impact of smart leadership in its combined and individual dimensions in achieving entrepreneurial orientation for developmental industrial projects in their combined dimensions. The study also presented a set of proposals, the most important of which is the need to pay increasing attention to the dimensions of smart leadership in the researched projects due to their importance in adapting to a changing business environment and possessing a sustainable competitive advantage over their competitors in the market.

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