Kurdish Studies

ISSN: 2051-4883 | e-ISSN: 2051-4891
Email: editor@kurdishstudies.net

The Construction of Knowledge for the Teaching of Sciences: A Reflection Seen From the Pedagogical Content Knowledge (Pck)

Eduardo Flores-Castro
Universidad de Panamá; Department of Physics
Marcos Campos-Nava
Academic Area of Mathematics and Physics, Autonomous University of the State of Hidalgo, Mexico
Mario Humberto Ramirez-Diaz
National Polytechnic Institute, CICATA Mexico
Jose Moreno-Ramos
Universidad de Panamá; Department of Physics
Keywords: Pedagogical Content Knowledge; Physic Teachers; Updating Course, high school education; Educational System.


This paper presents the conclusion of a research project developed by the authors, as well as the continuation of previously published works between Panama and Mexico. The project was divided into three stages: 1. a framework was proposed for developing a test to characterize the Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK) construct in secondary school teachers; 2. An updating course was designed and given to practicing science teachers (mathematics and physics), focusing on their PCK as the central axis; 3. finally, the last phase of the project consisted of the implementation of the course and the analysis of how activities affected PCK according to what the teachers indicated. This work has a qualitative analysis approach and aims to present the main results derived from this implementation, where it was concluded that according to the findings of this study, a) the use of two digital tools helped to modify the PCK, and b) the importance of implementing episodes of reflection on their teaching practice for continuous improvement.

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