Kurdish Studies

ISSN: 2051-4883 | e-ISSN: 2051-4891
Email: editor@kurdishstudies.net

The Mentioned Facilities in the Book 'Al-Rawdatayn in the Chronicles of the Norian and Salahian States' by Abu Shama Al-Maqdisi (665 H / 1267 CE)

Alaa Kareem Husson
Department of History, College of Education for Girls, University of Baghdad, Iraq
Prof. Dr. Abdul Kareem Ezeldeen Al-Aarajee
Department of History, College of Education for Girls, University of Baghdad, Iraq
Keywords: Abu Shama, hospitals, bridges, baths, The Two Gardens..


Urban development, particularly historical and civilizational structures, holds a valuable cultural treasure. It serves as an authentic witness and symbol of human advancement throughout history. This is exemplified in our study of the work of Abu Shama al-Maqdisi, "Al-Rawdatayn fi Akhbar al-Dawlatayn al-Nuriyah wa al-Salāhiyah" (The Two Gardens in the History of the Nur and Salahi Dynasties). The research delves into institutions such as hospitals, wells, water facilities, baths, and bridges, highlighting their significant roles in providing essential services to the region.

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