Kurdish Studies

ISSN: 2051-4883 | e-ISSN: 2051-4891
Email: editor@kurdishstudies.net

Visual Language Between Image and Poetry in Contemporary Arab Art

Jehad Hasan Alameri
Visual Art Department, School of Arts and Design, The University of Jordan, Amman, Jordan
Haifaa Bani Ismail
Hussam N. Fakhouri
Data Science and Artificial Intelligence Department, Faculty of Information Technology, University of Petra, Amman, Jordan
Mohammad Wasef
Department of Music, School of Arts and Design, The University of Jordan, Amman, Jordan
Ehab Abu-Hannoud
Applied Arts, Faculty of Fine Art, An-Najah National University,Nablus, Palestine
Keywords: Visual Language, Interplay of Arts, Contemporary Arab Art.


This research aims to reveal the image of poetry in contemporary Arab art, by attempting to answer the research questions: how did the Arab artist repre-sent the poetic language and transform it into a visual language, and what are the poetic themes and the mechanism of producing the artwork? The researcher relies on the descriptive analytical method to dissect the artistic works that were inspired by poetry, choosing artistic experiences of five artists from differ-ent countries whose works focused on the research topic based on the theoretical framework of the interplay of arts (poetry and painting). This study aims to reveal the importance of the poetic image in shaping the visual image in contem-porary Arab art and to explain the effect of the artist’s inspiration from poetic poems. The study culminated in several key results, among which the most note-worthy is the substantial influence of poetry on contemporary Arab art, both thematically and in the artistic process. This research highlights the emergence of innovative forms in Arab art, particularly the integration of art books along-side traditional painting and the incorporation of Arabic calligraphy into the very essence of artworks that draw inspiration from poetry. These findings under-score the dynamic interplay between literary and visual arts in the Arab artistic landscape, reflecting a rich fusion of mediums and styles.

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