Kurdish Studies

ISSN: 2051-4883 | e-ISSN: 2051-4891
Email: editor@kurdishstudies.net

Educational Outcomes, Job Needs, and the Labor Market in the Era of Artificial Intelligence in the Gulf Countries

Hanan Naser Aladwani
Department, Kuwaiti Zakat House, Kuwait
Laila Hamad
Transportation ministry, Kuwait
Dr. Jamal Naser Aladwani
Department, Ministry of Awqaf and Islamic Affairs, Kuwait
Keywords: Artificial Intelligence (AI), Technological Infrastructure States, Education and Training, Economic Planning.


In this research, the impact of developments in artificial intelligence on the labor market in developing countries, with a specific focus on Kuwait and the Gulf states, was explored. The study highlighted the opportunities and challenges presented by artificial intelligence technology for the workforce in these coun-tries, along with an overview of issues related to education and training to keep pace with this technological advancement. It was found that artificial intelligence will have a significant impact on jobs, resulting in the loss of some traditional roles while creating new ones. Factors influencing the impact of artificial intel-ligence include its prevalence, the nature of jobs, and the required skills. In this context, the importance of developing educational strategies based on arti-ficial intelligence and enhancing the technological infrastructure to adequately prepare the workforce was emphasized. Despite the challenges posed by this development, developing countries can leverage artificial intelligence technology to achieve sustainable development and improve the labor market. Overall, the effective integration of artificial intelligence into the labor market in the Gulf countries and developing nations, in general, is a crucial challenge that requires thorough preparation and planning to maximize the benefits of this technological advancement while mitigating potential negative effects.

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