Kurdish Studies

ISSN: 2051-4883 | e-ISSN: 2051-4891
Email: editor@kurdishstudies.net

Analysis of the Principle of Trust in Criminal Law

Garces Cordova Felipe Alejandro
Universidad Regional Autónoma de Los Andes, Extensión Quevedo, Ecuador
Robles Zambrano Genesis Karolina
Universidad Regional Autónoma de Los Andes, Extensión Quevedo, Ecuador
Molina Mora José Fabián
Universidad Regional Autónoma de Los Andes, Extensión Quevedo, Ecuador
Keywords: Criminal Law, efficiency, principle of trust, crime, public administration, objective imputation..


This research work is a tool that contributes to the proper assessment of objective imputation under the well-known principle of trust in criminal law. It is important to delimit responsibilities in different criminal acts. Therefore, it is crucial to understand and be familiar with the mechanisms of the principle of trust and its limits. In this regard, the research has been developed based on various and extensive investigations, and different bibliographical sources both physical and digital. Additionally, national jurisprudence and current comparative law have been used. The methods used include comparative, analytical, scientific, legal hermeneutics, inductive, and deductive methods. The aforementioned background allowed for an analysis based on experience, casuistry, law, and doctrine, enriching this research by providing various concepts related to the principle of trust and objective imputation. This opens up a discussion that could lead to future research on the topic of this article. Finally, as this is an investigative and doctrinal document, legal hermeneutics and documentary techniques were applied. This allowed for an understanding of different theoretical perspectives and limitations in specific cases, providing various viewpoints from legal professionals. This strengthens the recognition and the significant importance of the comprehensive study of various legal concepts, including objective imputation and how it relates to crimes against the efficiency of the Public Administration.

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