Kurdish Studies

ISSN: 2051-4883 | e-ISSN: 2051-4891
Email: editor@kurdishstudies.net

The Right to Live in a Family for Abused Children and Adolescents in Ecuador

Hurtado Lomas Carlos Ramiro
Universidad Autónoma Regional de Los Andes, Sede Ibarra, Ecuador
Cruz Arboleda José Ignacio
Universidad Autónoma Regional de Los Andes, Sede Ibarra, Ecuador
Toaza Tierra Melany Carolina
Universidad Autónoma Regional de Los Andes, Sede Ibarra, Ecuador
Keywords: Children's rights; family; child abuse..


Abuse is a fact that violates the rights of children and adolescents, caused by different factors, and in some cases occurs within the family. The objective of this research was to describe the right to live in a family for abused children and adolescents in Ecuador. It was based on a quantitative, documentary-bibliographic perspective. This is because, from the documentary review and the study of the social reality observed, the researcher has been able to infer reflective conclusions about the problem posed. In this sense, the current regulations and refereed works related to the topic under study were analyzed. It is concluded that children and adolescents have the right to protection and to live in a family. However, some are mistreated or abused within the family unit, and it is usually the father who commits acts that violate the safety of minors. The Ecuadorian State, through its Constitution and the international agreements it has signed, contributes to monitoring and supporting respect for the human rights of the most vulnerable. However, more effective policies to prevent abuse must be implemented.

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