Kurdish Studies

ISSN: 2051-4883 | e-ISSN: 2051-4891
Email: editor@kurdishstudies.net

Using Maqasid Shariah to Utilize the Contemporary Waqf: Implementing Artificial Intelligence as an Example

Saeed Ahmed Saleh Farag
Department of Usul al-Fiqh, King Khalid University, Saudi Arabia
Mahmoud Mohamed Ali Mahmoud Edris
Faculty of Shariah and Law, Islamic Science University of Malaysia, Nilai
Yusuf Sani Abubakar
Faculty of Shariah and Law, Sultan Sharif Ali Islamic University, Brunei Darussalam
Ahmed Mohammed Azab Mousa
Department of Usul al-Fiqh, King Khalid University, Saudi Arabia
Keywords: Maqasid Shariah (Purposes Of Shariah), Waqf, Artificial Intelligence, Preserving Religion, Preserving Life, Preserving Mind, Preserving Offspring, Preserving Wealth..


This research seeks to utilise Waqf, which is a famous way of giving alms (Sadaqah) in order to serve Maqasid Shariah (purposes of Shariah). This research aims to explain the method of preserving the overall Maqasid Shariah of Waqf and to guide the founders of Waqf to the best ways to get the best, highest, and most lasting reward as well as to describe new areas of Waqf that should be prioritized over others. The main research problem is on how to employ Waqf to serve Maqasid Shariah in contemporary areas, and this includes Waqf on artificial intelligence. The researchers adopt an analytical and inductive approach to extrapolate the goals and purposes of Waqf and to apply them to the latest contemporary Waqf, which is Waqf on artificial intelligence. Then the researchers searched for a way to employ Waqf on artificial intelligence to serve the overall Maqasid Shariah. The researchers have reached to certain results, and the most important amongst them are: There are priority to the hierarchy of Maqasid Shariah and we can start with the most important ones, and that there are important smart applications which through them we can preserve religion, life, mind, offspring and money that must be taken into account in Waqf, and the return of Waqf on artificial intelligence applications may be much greater than Waqf in some other areas.

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